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Holiday Gifts For Puppies
December 1, 2023

Happy Holidays! Has a new puppy just joined your household? If so, you’re definitely going to get some super cute seasonal photos this year. You may also want to take advantage of some of those sales, and get your canine buddy some things that will help entertain him, keep him comfortable, and just get him started on the right paw in life. A Bellevue, WA vet lists some ‘pawsible’ gift options below.


Toys make good gifts for any pooch! They’re at the top of the list for puppies, for a few reasons. Little Fido is very curious and energetic, and is always looking for things to chew. It’s important to make sure he has plenty of safe, suitable toys, both for entertainment and chewing. (Petproofing is also key, but that’s another topic.) Offer a variety of things. Just stick with products that were made for puppies.


We really do live in an age of technical wonder. (Fun fact: the average smartphone now has a more complex computer system than the one which was used in Apollo II.) There are plenty of fun gadgets you can get Fido. These may range from things like automated feeders to smart toys to GPS-enabled tags.


We always recommend keeping pooches crated for travel. If your puppy isn’t crate trained yet, you may want to put that on your to-do list. Even if you don’t plan to crate Fido daily, it’s helpful for him to have a little spot he sees as his personal doggy den. 

Pupscription Boxes

Subscription boxes are becoming quite popular gifts, and it isn’t hard to see why. Dogs love these, too! (We probably don’t have to tell you how cute it is seeing Fido get excited over his mail.) This is a great option for puppies, as some go through toys very, very quickly.


Fido probably won’t get too excited if you show him his registration to obedience class, but don’t let that stop you. Petucation is very important! Teaching the little guy good manners will take some work now, but it will be well worth it down the road. 


Snacks are another ‘pawesome’ idea. Just stick with safe options, and don’t go overboard with snacks! It’s also important to choose things that are the right size. (Training snacks may come in handy.)

All of us here at Cat & Dog Clinic of Bellevue, your Bellevue, WA animal clinic, want to wish you and your families a wonderful holiday season. Call us anytime!